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7 Unique Ways to Ask Customers to Leave a Review

Getting customers to leave a review for your products or business is a game of "when", "where" and "how". "How" customers leave a review is relatively straightforward – make sure the process is simple & mobile optimized.

"When" and "where" you ask customers to leave a review can be a little more complicated. A personalized, well timed post purchase email request is still the absolute best way to generate the most reviews & no other method comes close, but if you already have those in place you might want to try one of these 7 additional ways to ask customers to leave a review.

1) Ask one on one in customer service conversations

Having individual conversations one on one with customers is hard to scale... but it's a very effective way to ask for a review when you can do it. Encourage your CX team to ask customers to leave a review after every single positive interaction they have.

Asking for a review in support

It may be possible to automate this request using automation rules in your help desk or an AI agent, but we think you're get best results with the personal touch.

2) Add a CTA in your customer accounts page

If your store has customer accounts & purchasers go there often, including a simple button or CTA to leave a review is an easy way to ask while they're already thinking about your products.

3) Create a button in your subscription portal

Similar to the customer accounts page, for subscription businesses the portal is one of the places subscribers visit most often. Subscription platforms like Skio make it easy to add Custom Buttons to your subscription portal which you can use to ask customers to leave a review.

4) Include an insert or sticker with your QR code in the box

Often you can squeeze a QR code ask onto your box as a sticker, or into an insert you were already including with packaging as Kindroot did below.

Kindroot packaging insert

5) Callout in your email signature

A simple "leave us a review" in your email signature can remind people to take a moment to share their experience with your brand. If you've already gathered plenty of reviews you might want to invert this one to say "See our x,xxx 5-star reviews!" and link to your reviews page instead.

6) Make a QR code poster for your in-store location

If you have an in-store location, you can make an installation or poster at cash or on the way out of the store with a QR code to leave a review. Customers might not quite be in the place to leave a review while they're still shopping, but you can get some as they're existing the store with their purchase. An insert in the bag or QR code on their receipt might be just as effective.

7) Add a QR code as a part of your physical product

Asking customers to leave a review directly on the product might not make sense for every brand, but it certainly ensures your product is top of mind. We think this method is interesting for CPG brands with some white space to work with in their packaging, candle company Siblings used this method (alongside post purchase emails) to increase submissions 729%. If your product is sold wholesale, this could unlock reviews from customers that didn't even purchase on your store.

QR code request on Siblings packaging

All these examples can be powered through Junip's Manual Review Link. When you share your Review Link with customers, they simply confirm their email & review products they've previously purchased, edit reviews they've already submitted, search for other products to review & review your overall store.

If you're already using Junip, you can find your Review Link here. If you're not & you'd like to get a Review Link of your own, you can get started today for free.

This is part of a series of posts on gathering reviews & increasing your review submission rate. If you want to learn a little more about the theory of gathering reviews, read our first post:

What is a good review submission rate?
One of the most common questions we get is “what’s a good review rate”. There’s a short answer & a long answer to this question. The short answer Anywhere between 2-4.9% is pretty good. If you’re in that range & just wanted a quick gut check, you can kind
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