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Top 32 Ways to Collect Customer Reviews (with Examples)

Looking for the best way to ask someone to leave a review? We’ve looked at over 100 methods businesses use to gather reviews and have narrowed down the most popular ones.

In this post, we’ll cover the top 32 methods businesses use to gather reviews and include an example for each one.

  1. Use location data to prompt someone to leave a review for a business they visited IRL

    Google Maps will use a person's location data to send a mobile push notification asking the person to rate a business they have recently visited.

    Google Maps push notification review request

  2. Leverage search history to prompt people to review a place/product/profile they have recently searched for

    Example: Tripadvisor prompts users to leave a review for listings they have recently searched for.

    Writing a review on Tripadvisor

  3. Insert a CTA at the top of review sections, that let's people leave a review

    Example: Manduka uses Junip's review displays that include a "Write a review" button at the top of review sections.

    Manduka's using Junip to display reviews

  4. Automatic post-purchase review requests

    Example: MOB Beauty uses Junip to send post-purchase review request emails to customers after they purchase from their website.

    MOB Beauty review request email using Junip template

  5. Send an in-app push notification

    Example: AllTrails sends an in-app push notification while a person is using their app. It asks the user if they "love AllTrails" and if the user clicks "Yes", they are prompted to leave an App Store review.

    Alltrails asking users to rate the app with in-app push notification

  6. Prompt customers to leave a review on the contact page

    Example: Rayacom, a Canadian printing service, inserts a "Write a review" button below the contact information for each store location. When returning customers go to call and place a new order, they're reminded to leave a review on Google.

    Rayacom write a review button on the contact page

  7. Post a sign at points-of-sale or high-traffic areas of physical retail locations, telling customers how to leave a review

    Example: Citrus, a Toronto-based coffee shop, places a sign near the coffee lids to remind customers to leave a review.

    sign in cafe asking customers to leave a review on Google

  8. Prompt customers to leave a review on a receipt or in the chequebook when the bill comes at restaurants

    Example: restaurants will include a business card with the receipt that asks customers to leave a review when they're paying.

  9. Verbally ask someone

    Example: Podcasts will ask listeners during a podcast episode to take a second and leave a review on the platform they stream podcasts.

  10. Run a promotion that rewards customers with a discount or coupon after they leave a review

    Example: Sunsoil uses Junip to offer a $5 discount when customers leave a review.

    Sunsoil review request email offering $5 for leaving a review

  11. Ask customers to leave a review as their entry for a contest or giveaway

    Example: Let customers know they will be entered into a contest or giveaway when they submit a review.

  12. Ask for a review on packaging inserts

    Example: Kindroot prints Junip’s QR code review link on their packaging inserts so customers can leave a review when they open their order.

    QR code review link on Kindroot's packaging insert

  13. Add a QR code review link part on your product’s packaging

    Example: Siblings prints Junip’s QR code review link on the packaging of their products so customers can leave a review at any point.

    QR code review link on Siblings' product packaging

  14. Give people a way to leave a review when they land on a website

    Example: G2 features a search bar in the center of their homepage that prompts customers to search for a product to review.

    lesving a review from the G2 homepage

  15. Ask customers when they’re talking to a customer support agent

    Example: send customers a manual review link in live customer support chats. Tip: a great time to ask is when the representative has resolved an issue and knows the customer is happy.

    sending customers a manual review link in customer support conversations

  16. Prompt customers to leave another review on the submission screen of a review form

    Example: Junip prompts customers to review the other items in their order after submitting a review.

    Junip review form

  17. Let customers know their review has been posted and prompt them to leave another review

    Example: Tripadvisor sends a mobile push notification letting users know their review is posted and prompts them to leave another review.

    Tripadvisor push notification

  18. Prompt customers to leave a review when they go to re-order a product

    Example: Shop App places a "Review" button next to the re-purchase button on order history pages.

    Shop App review prompts on order history page

  19. Embed a “Leave a review” button on the order tracking page

    Example: when returning customers go to track the status of their recent order, they will be prompted to review their previous purchases.

    Leave a review button on the order tracking page

  20. Ask customers for a rating before triggering a review request

    Example: Tripadvisor will ask users through an in-app push notification to rate their experience. If users submit a rating they will be prompted to write a review on the App Store.

    Tripadvisor in-app app store review request

  21. Dedicated section for writing reviews

    Example: Letterboxd and Google Maps have dedicated sections within their apps that users can use to write, edit, and view their reviews.

    Letterboxd and Google Maps account pages to leave reviews

  22. Ask for reviews based on nearby locations related to current location data

    Example: Yelp will leverage a user's current location to suggest nearby restaurants they can review.

    Leaving a review on Yelp

  23. Use review history to suggest similar things to review

    Example: after leaving a review for a Professor on Rate My Professors, users can select a department to view other Professors from the same school and leave a review.

    Leaving a review on Ratemyprof

  24. Ask customers to review items on a platform during the onboarding process

    Example: during account set-up, Goodreads asks customers to rate 20 books in order to complete the sign-up process and get access to the full range of features.

  25. Ask people to leave a review shortly after signing up for a service/platform

    Example: Instafeed prompts customers who are on a free trial to leave a review in the billing section of their dashboard.

    Leaving a review for Instafeed on the Shopify App Store

  26. Ask for a review when you know a person has just finished a product, completed a service, read a book, etc.

    Example: Goodreads prompts customers to review a book once the user marks a book as "completed" in the app.

    Marking a book as read in Goodreads

  27. Ask customers before a service is done

    Example: Airbnb sends guests an email a few hours before their check out time, asking them to leave a review for their host. This is effective because guests are still in the Airbnb and can speak more easily about their experience.

  28. Set a time limit for how long customers have to leave a review

    Example: Airbnb only provides guests a 2-week window to leave a review. Customers aren’t able to leave a review after this period has passed.

    Airbnb review request

  29. Incorporate leaving a review as part of the core user experience

    Example: Uber prompts customers to leave a review before booking their next ride.

    prompting customers to leave a review in Uber

  30. Ask customers at the end of a post-purchase survey

    Example: Junip has an integration with Kno Commerce, a postpurchase survey platform, that allows brands to prompt returning customers to leave a review after they complete a survey.

    prompting customers to leave a review at the end of a post-purchase survey

  31. Prompt returning customers on the order confirmation page

    Example: Checkout Promotions leverage Junip’s integration with Checkout promotions to embed a “Leave a review” button on the order confirmation page that customers see after placing an order.

    Asking returning customers to leave a review on the order confirmation page

  32. Send a one-time review request campaign

    Example: send a one-time review request email to previous customers who haven't reviewed their purchase yet (read here for tips on how to send a successful campaign with Junip)

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