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New Integration: Junip + Malomo

We're excited to announce our integration with Malomo!

With Junip & Malomo, get closer to where and when customers are most likely to leave a review by leveraging Malomo's delivery data to trigger review requests.

Brands like Caraway, Huron, and ILIA Beauty, use Malomo to get better delivery data, stay ahead of delivery issues, and create seamless order-tracking experiences for their customers.

Avoid easily preventable 1-star reviews

If a customer hasn’t received their order yet and you ask them to leave a review, they’re not going to be very happy. When this happens, a customer will ignore your message, meaning you miss out on a potential review. Or worse, they will take this as an opportunity to express their frustration and leave a 1-star review asking, "WISMO??" (where is my order).

Example of a 1-star "WISMO" review
Example of a 1-star "WISMO" review

These types of reviews aren’t a fair representation of your brand (or product) and can deter browsing shoppers. Luckily, there’s a way to avoid these preventable 1-star reviews.

Time review requests perfectly

Malomo pulls shipment and delivery data from all major couriers, giving you more accurate data to work with. The integration with Junip uses Malomo's order-delivered event to kick off your review request flow in Junip.

This means that customers will never be asked to leave a review before their package has arrived. Even if a package is delayed, the review request will be held off until the package is delivered.

You can even set a condition to wait several days after an order is delivered before asking for a review. This gives the customer a chance to try out your product and provide more helpful feedback.

Updating the flow trigger in Junip can be done with a few clicks:

Updating Junip event trigger
Updating Junip event trigger

Review requests will be sent at the right time, every time and customers will have a chance to love your product before leaving a review.

Get started in minutes

For those already on Junip & Malomo - click the button below to head to your Junip admin and connect Malomo to your account. You can also find more details here about setting up the integration.

If you're not already using Junip and want to learn more, feel free to give us a shout & we'd be happy to help!

Make the Move

Join 3,000+ of the fastest growing brands like Jones Road Beauty, Kotn, & Olipop who use Junip to collect more reviews and display them everywhere that matters!

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