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New integration: Junip + Checkout Promotions

As part of our review link launch, we’re excited to announce our integration with Checkout Promotions!

Checkout Promotions is a highly flexible post purchase upsell system that over 1,600 Shopify stores use to show promotional content after checkout. Brands from the likes of Zesti, Nu Strips, Bull and Cleaver, & more - all use Checkout Promotions to drive revenue with post purchase promos.

The Junip & Checkout Promotions integration leverages Junip’s Review Links to create compelling promotions & drive repeat customers to leave reviews on past purchases.

Junip x Checkout Promotions - How it works

When you enable Junip from your Checkout Promotions account, it can do two things for you:

  • Display review ratings on product promotions
  • Request reviews from repeat customers with Junip's review form template

When you add review ratings to a product promotion, all products with at least 1 review will display a star rating and the number of reviews it has. You can also customize this to adjust the spacing and colors to match your store's theme.

Checkout Promotions content editor

With the limited time a customer has to claim your offer, removing any friction or points for hesitation is key. Adding star ratings to your content promotions will build trust and credibility for your product & it shows customers that your product is both trustworthy and review-worthy.

The second way to leverage the integration is by using the Junip review form to gather more reviews from repeat customers. The Junip template uses your store’s review form URL to prompt customers to leave a review. Once a customer clicks the ‘leave a review’ button, they will be asked to enter their email address so a link can be sent to their inbox. When they visit this link, they will be able to leave a review for any purchases they haven't left a review for yet.

Junip review form template

The best way to integrate the Junip review form into the post purchase experience is by using Checkout Promotion’s eligibility rules. You can set the conditions so that only customers who have purchased from your store before (i.e tried your product) will be asked to leave a review. Prompting returning customers right after they’re making their second, third, or even fourth purchase - means that they were happy with their past orders and are ready to leave a review.

Junip x Checkout Promotions In Action: Bull and Cleaver

Bull and Cleaver, a brand that sells biltong - the South African version of the snack you may know as jerky, recently implemented the Junip review form as part of their post purchase experience.

Bull and Cleaver

Many of their customers are returning ones looking to stock up on their favorite snack - so the Junip review form is the perfect opportunity to meet their loyal customers where & when they’re most likely to leave a review.

Here’s what one of the founders, Daniel Patricio, had to say about the results:

"Post purchase has become a key surface for us since we started using Checkout Promotions. It has been a big driver for our business and always an experience we are looking to expand on. The new Junip review form integration has been great for breaking through the noise to reach our returning customers in checkout. It has been especially useful in getting more reviews from our most loyal customers.”

-Daniel Patricio, Founder @ Bull and Cleaver

As Bull and Cleaver makes it clear, the post purchase experience is a key point along every customer’s journey & making it as seamless as possible should be the priority. That's why the Junip + Checkout Promotions integration works so well for them - it makes it convenient for a returning customer to leave a review.

If you sell products worth talking about, give us a shout & let us show you how we can help. For those already on Junip - you can add the Checkout Promotions integration here! Or sign-up here if you're not already using Checkout Promotions.

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